What happened with you on Helldivers?

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Well, nothing in particular to be honest. We just started playing with my friends last week and once we got through all kinds of missions with both robots and insects, the game felt kind of... Empty? And boring.

Also, after 20 hours in you start noticing janky movements, like your model is getting stuck or doing something it's not supposed to (like climbing on top of an auto-turret), you don't have a lot of varieties in terms of weapons and equipment once you figure out "the meta". Either you play with meta guns or get you a** handed to you.

The last nail in the coffin was when we were in a mission and one of the mandatory objectives sunk below the texture level and we couldn't interact with it anymore and it was an instant lose of 30 min struggle..

So yeah, great short term experience, terrible long term IMO.

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Cool, thanks for sharing. I put in about 40 hours, and it was fun. But all your criticisms are true, especially about the anemic gear system. I just overlooked them because I often played with some skilled and enthusiastic friends. By the end, though, it got stale. You can only shoot so many bugs and robots before the thrill is gone. Still, I'll likely jump in again if they add a new faction, at least for a few games.

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Yeah, me too. I'm sure they are going to add more stuff over the years and I'm very open to give it another try after the next expansion

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