AI is just a tool, but stealing other people’s voices, likenesses and art - that’s theft. And that’s not an AI choice. That’s a human choice.

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Not paying for using an actor's voice... that's just stealing.

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AI voice acting: It’s an interesting one.

Here’s a question: Do the same standards apply to indie or solo devs? I reckon they’ll end up getting the most benefit from AI tools, at least initially.

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As an aspiring indie I am somewhat terrified of the consequences, whenever I would like to use something AI generated, while not being able to afford a proper artist...

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The good news is that it's not you who should pay for that. It's the responsibility of the company providing AI generation.

I mean, eventually you'll probably need to pay for the service, yes, but they should be the ones to pay royalties to the artists.

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I'm honestly shocked with Concords shut down. Not even trying the free to play model. I'm worried they are going to just decide it is a tax right off and start doing what WB is doing with movies, and just cancel or take games away just to help the bottom line.

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That's my prediction, to be honest. It's much easier to take an axe to it and then figure stuff out later... Only a handful of companies go the opposite direction and commit to make the game better after rocky start like that

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AI in the way we talk about it today is straight up theft. It’s sad to see and I know it’s opened doors for people to finally do the work they’ve always wanted but it’s sad.

I see ALOT of AI art work made on Substack and almost every instance the person could have just found a public image or even asked a creator for permission to use their work. It’s a lazy and disgusting tactic. :(

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Sep 5Liked by Alex Stasenko

Thank you for the shout out Alex! You are the best and I am so pumped that we are a part of this community!

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> Concord is shutting down

It was the plan, just not the plan they started with... (sorry, couldn't help myself)

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I feel for them, but that just made me laugh harder than I want to admit 🤣

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Sep 5Liked by Alex Stasenko

I have a feeling that the topic of AI and its effects will have to reach much further into general society before it is really discussed seriously. I'm just not so sure that it won't be a bit too late by then.

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Well, I suspect that we need to expect more AI-related strikes. That sort of sounds like at least one half is waking up, so that's something

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