I opened Twitter and was bombarded by the news about Dr. Disrespect. I don't condone his behaviour and also find it disgusting to say the least, but honestly, it was tiring to be flooded with all the discourse around it. I quickly retreated to the safety of Substack Notes!

I was SO hyped for Beyond Good & Evil 2 back when some of the demo footage came out and then slowly lost hope that it was ever coming out. I'm glad to hear it's still on the table, that footage looked AWESOME!

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Agreed, I've seen like 10-15 news articles on every news outlet discussing "new" details about Disrespect's situation. So it's a bit much

And yeah, BG&E 2 is definitely something that I looked forward to, but at this point I don't know what to expect even...

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Jun 27Liked by Alex Stasenko

OK, so Beyond Good & Evil 2 is a prequel...


Which means that before Beyond Good & Evil (1) there was a character called Jade who later become Jade from BG&E1?

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AAA Mobile games. I don't think iPhone users are looking to buy these kinds of games since most games are F2P over there, most of the mobile game companies have 'trained' the users to these kinds of monetisation practices.

Some of the better titles are more quick plays on the commute rather than long immersive experiences, plus the phone has a lot of distractions app competing for attention. Like Tiktok and Instagram.

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